The New Normal

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The New Normal2021-03-17T16:38:50-04:00

Welcome to Dr. Zender’s Psychology Today blog, The New Normal.

Traumatic accidents can seriously impact every area of your life. However, with the proper information and support you—or someone you care about—can reclaim the life you were meant to live. In Dr. Zender’s blog, you will find tools, tips and ideas to facilitate your recovery process —tools that will help you to cope with your physical and psychological injuries and conditions. You will learn to do more than just survive, you will learn to thrive!

A note to auto insurance companies: You will find valuable information here that will help you better serve your insured customers. In fact, when patients get the proper supports, needed care and treatment up front, they need far fewer resources in the long run than if support is withheld. That translates into a big win-win for your company and a boost to your bottom line!

The Health of Healthcare Workers

May 10, 2021|

Depending on which part of the world you’re in, whether you’ve had a vaccine, or are at high risk of a severe health outcome from COVID-19, your experience of pandemic life right now may differ greatly from others. One thing we all have in common, though, is our exposure to a global trauma that is still ongoing. Read More at Psychology [...]

The Psychosomatic Experience of Pain

April 1, 2021|

Did you know that the origin of pain can begin in the brain rather than the body? I recently took a deep-dive into the science of pain in a two-day continuing medical education course led by Howard Schubiner, M.D. Dr. Schubiner directs the Mind-Body Medicine Program at Ascension Providence Hospital in Southfield, Michigan, and also serves as a clinical professor at Michigan State [...]

The Mental Health Impact of Covid-19

March 15, 2021|

It would be interesting to know more about the mental health consequences of the 1918 pandemic, but there is little data. Historically, it was the end of World War I; the mental health impact of the war, too, was poorly studied. Alfred Crosby’s 1976 book Epidemic and Peace addressed the kind of "cultural amnesia" that followed in the wake of the pandemic. Crosby’s book [...]

Violence in the Workplace

March 15, 2021|

Have you ever wondered where the expression “going postal” came from? In his book entitled Dying for a Paycheck, Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer, Ph.D., talks about how far most employers have to go in terms of learning to value employees as their companies’ most important human resource. He outlines many studies that show how toxic work environments result in employees [...]

How Do Personal Injury Attorneys View Trauma?

January 31, 2021|

Specializing in auto accident trauma mental health care, and having recently published a book on the topic, I was interested to learn how a successful personal injury attorney views topics of trauma, traumatic brain injuries, and the personal injury legal process. Read More At Psychology Today Trauma and Its Impact On the Law- Gloves Off Podcast Ep. 16 An [...]

5 Ways To Sleep Better Tonight

December 29, 2020|

Most Americans are sadly severely sleep deprived. The average American has little vacation time and many of us drift off into sleep with our cell phone in hand, often after a long day of staring at computer screens. Throughout the current COVID-19 pandemic, sleep disturbance is a frequent complaint of my patients, with anxiety and worry as extremely disruptive factors. [...]

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