Specializing in auto accident trauma mental health care, and having recently published a book on the topic, I was interested to learn how a successful personal injury attorney views topics of trauma, traumatic brain injuries, and the personal injury legal process.

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Trauma and Its Impact On the Law- Gloves Off Podcast Ep. 16

An unfortunate reality is that trauma and the law go hand in hand.

Dr. Zender was invited by personal injury attorney Ven Johnson to join the Gloves Off podcast to discuss the impact of trauma as it relates to chronic pain, the loss of a loved one, the aftermath of sexual assault and/or domestic violence and more, and how these cases are often treated by juries.

Dr. Zender explains how trauma specifically caused by a vehicle crash, described as Vehicular Trauma Syndrome, can impact someone’s ability to work, care for family members, pursue passions and live a normal life.