Focus on taking little steps and eventually you will have a beautiful garden within you that nourishes you.


Serve others who are in need. When you focus foa bit on doing something out of kindness for another person or organization it can up lift your mood and you feel youve done something to contribute to the wellbeing of someone else.


Remain flexible when it comes to new data and information that guides public health policies.


Take a break from social media. Spending too much time online can create anxiety and overwhelm.


Eat a healthy snack. What you eat can have an effect on how you feel. You may feel more depleted and sluggish after eating certain foods. Eating clean can help boost your mood.


Spend some time in nature or bring a piece of nature in doors if you cant go outside. I know wheneveI spend time at my farm, I find myself immediately relaxed. The wide open spaces offer a calming effect.


Engage in a mindfulness practice. Now is an optimal time to start or reengage in a mindfulness practice like meditation, journaling or writing a gratitude list.